They are everywhere!! Starburst mirrors is what I am referring to. I'm sure you have seen one, or two, or three recently used in a room you have been admiring. I'm going to help you out and make your dream of owning one a reality. Yes, you can afford one of these popular style mirrors. I have found them all over. I might or might not have 3 starburst mirrors in my own home. You will have to wait and see though until I have my home tour. Here is the low done:
Framed Antique Gold Mirror $260.99 on Overstock |
Yes, I know the Horchow mirror would be a HUGE splurge, but I just want you to be educated on what's out there in case you have an extra $500 to spend. Thinking about all the others, which one would you want in your home and where would you put it? I'd love to hear your thoughts.