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Thursday, April 12, 2012

1 Year Blogiversary

As I was blogging away yesterday it dawned on me that my Blogiversary was probably approaching. Glad I looked, cause it's today! I cannot even believe that it's been a year already of writing posts, connecting with other bloggers, and finding inspiring ideas daily.

This new journey of mine has been so worthwhile!Writing this blog is so enjoyable and a wonderful outlet for my creativity and a way for me to share projects from around my home. I've also grown my interior design business from it, which is a dream come true. Connecting with people and making new friendships is also a great perk. There are so many people I follow now and I feel apart of their lives.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of my loyal readers and followers! You are the reason I continue to be inspired and post daily! Your comments and feedback are so appreciated and welcomed. If you don't already follow me, then this is a great opportunity to do so. I would love to hit 300 GFC followers today. I'm sooo close! Plus, when you follow, I know who is supporting my endeavors!

I look forward to the 2nd year of blogging adventures and watching A Lived in Home grow even more!


  1. Congratulations this is what my daughter and I aspire to see her blog on http://thetwiningvine.blogspot.co.uk/

  2. I'm glad you decided to start blogging! I love reading your blog. :)

  3. Congrats! I am a daily reader, i love your blog

  4. Congrats! If I wasn't already following, I'd love to tip the scale to 300:)! I know that feeling of wanting to tip the scale to the next level:). Hope you'll come visit sometime:)!

    Have a great blogiversary!!

  5. Happy blogiversary! Hope you celebrate with a cupcake or a little treat :)

  6. Happy Blogiversary Megan!! What an accomplishment. Make sure to treat yourself with something today, you deserve it!! :)

  7. Congrats! My 1st blogiversary was March 28. I started blogging after I quit my job. It has been a wonderful catharsis, and I love connecting with like-minded people. Unfortunately I got dragged back to work last November and usually only get the chance to post 1-2 times a week. Blogging is a great outlet for my creative side, and seeing all the neat things that other people do is a great motivator!
