This is my adorable, little rocking chair from when I was a baby. That means that it is at least 25 years old, give or take a couple of years. My parents recently pulled it out of their attic and gave it to Baby A. Now, by the looks of it, the chair seems to have lost its luster. I sat the aged beauty in the nursery, but it just wasn't working for me. The rustic brown against pale green and pink was an eye sore. This called for an intense makeover.
I busted out sand paper, a damp cloth, my trusty Rustoleum primer, and Rustoleum spray paint in the classic Heirloom White. First, I lightly sanded the whole chair, then wiped it down really well with the damp cloth so no residue remained. I needed a clean surface for painting. Then, I heavily coated the chair with my primer and let it dry over night. The next day I came back and covered the chair in Heirloom white. I left it in the garage to dry and air out for several days since it was going into the nursery. I didn't want any remaining fumes around Baby A. After it was good and dry I brought it in and this is what she looks like.
It's definitely much better, but still needs some added touches like Baby A's name or initials on the back of the chair in pink and green. For now though, it's sitting in the corner of the nursery with this cute FAO Schwartz elephant.
Gosh, it's amazing how a fresh coat of paint can completely update something. This is adorable. And, so sweet that it was yours!